Sunday, October 3, 2010

Never Gonna Grow Up

“The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” –Lucille Ball

            I took the words of my wise great-aunt (okay not really but wouldn’t that be cool?!), to heart this weekend.  A self-proclaimed grandma I may be, however, I have a serious fear of actually growing old.  So my roommate and I celebrated our upcoming birthdays with a party embracing just the opposite.  Instead of celebrating the big 2-4, we decided to just celebrate the big 4.  That’s right.  We had a 4-year-old birthday party complete with a piñata, balloons, and an egg toss.  I may have even worn a tu-tu.  Although this may not be all that surprising to those of you who know me and my tendency to act like a 7 year old at times.  Overall, the kool-aid may have had a little more kick than it once did, our outfits were spot-on and the party games were even more fun once everyone had a few drinks in their system J

Note the pinata in the background

Spotted: Man in a diaper

Two very happy birthday girls

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