Well I guess my bold proclamations about my love affair with Fall scared the poor guy away. There was a brief moment there when the air turned chilly and the smell of a bonfire lingered in the air but over the past few days D.C. has been slightly akin to a swamp. So though I've had the urge to reach for that pumpkin spice latte (speaking of which, have you read
this? Extreme yet hilarious) or a mug of Frothy Monkey hot apple cider, I swapped those out for my summer go-to on a dinner date with the sister friend the other night.
Lemonade at Pizza Paradiso...but not just regular lemonade. Sparkling lemonade. And let me tell you I think I'm hooked. I really, really like lemonade. And limeade (from Mayberry in Winston-Salem, of course). And raspberry lemonade. You get the point. And as much as I was ready to fall head over heels for Fall, it was kind of nice to savor one last taste of summer before the first official day of Autumn arrived.
And if a whole paragraph about my affinity for lemonade wasn't thrilling enough for you, here is a little recap of my weekend in the District. On Saturday (after spending far too many hours at the Georgetown DMV), I joined some friends at the National Book Festival on the Mall. Though I think that the teachers I was with enjoyed a little bit more than I did, it was a fun excuse to look at children's books and buy Madeline at the White House for absolutely no reason.
Absolute. Misery.
Which made way for a pretty fun afternoon...
Other events of the weekend included wine at Veritas, brainstorming a massive food truck crawl with my friend Marv, dinner at Los Cuates, and a night out in Georgetown that was a little bit too much of a flashback to undergrad. Remind me never to go to Rhino again. Hope you had a happy weekend!